Hear from our employees

"Knowledge-sharing is very common in our team, and thanks to that I’ve learned a huge amount of new things from my colleagues. We’re also a sociable bunch. We spend a lot of time together outside of work, doing sports like football and skiing"
Sonata Steraite
QA Front-end Engineer 
"There’s freedom in terms of development and in how I manage my team. I’m also fortunate to have great colleagues who are a pleasure to work with. This is a great chance to work in a welcoming, talented and collaborative team - whatever your speciality."
Stefan Petrov
Lead Software Developer
"I have a lot of freedom and a place to express my ideas. I feel that I have an impact on the product. The feeling is that we are always respected as employees and that gives me a lot of confidence to speak up."
Tamar Aharonovitz
Product Manager, TakeawayPay
"In this ever-growing department, people were (and still are) close and friendly. Managers weren’t miles away or hard to reach, but together with the team, making jokes, lifting up spirits, but also being professional, “perfectly balanced, as all things should be”. This also translated into my role, where I was able to grow as a person and as a developer."
Wessel Verheij
Software Developer & Vice-Chairman of the (Dutch) Works Council
"If you’d like to be part of an innovative company with colleagues and customers from all over the world then Takeaway.com is the perfect place to be. I’ve grown as a Software Engineer, but I’ve also learned a lot outside of my role."
Erkand Imeri
Software Developer
"I really like the atmosphere in the teams here, and the way departments are organised. We do serious work, but there’s also a lot of socializing and everyone has a smile on their face. Although I’m one of the newest starters here, I feel included in everything and had a warm welcome from day one. This company values all its employees equally, and that’s something I admire."
Georgi Yankov
Junior Web Developer